The sidewalks on the north and south side of Wardlow Road, between Stevely Street and the 605 Freeway have not been cleaned for years. I walk to El Dorado Park four to five times a week and the leaves and dirt from the parks is getting worse by the day.
Please allow me to set the record straight re your front page article “Water Fee Lawsuit Settled” (Nov. 24) and hopefully clear up any confusion about the issue.
On Thanksgiving and every other day of the year, we Americans have so much to be thankful for.....maybe too much. The waste of food that I see daily never ceases to amaze and disgust me.
The City of Long Beach just received $13M from OCTD and Caltrans to mitigate increased traffic in the city. Improvement (widening) of the 405 stops at the OC/Long Beach border, which will create a bottleneck and encourage drivers to exit the freeway and use surface streets.
Just read your article on the RV parking ordinance to hopefully be passed in Long Beach streets. If the owners of these RVs own their homes they can provide room on their properties to park them on their driveways, side yards, etc.
There oughta be a law against people walking their dogs off their leash, strolling on the beach with their pooch, enjoying the Jack Nichol Park and surrounding areas. But wait, there are laws already; so why aren’t they enforced?