Helen Borgers, for 38 years the hallmark of loyalty, enthusiasm, and commitment to her craft. She should be nominated to the Radio Hall of Fame if there is such an entity. Some sort of function should take place to honor her. If so, I would donate the band.
Steve Downing is a fine columnist and friend. A person whose integrity and honesty are of the highest caliber. What happened to me on July 6 should never happen in Long Beach or anywhere in a civilized world.
I moved into my house on Termino about eight years ago. After moving in I immediately realized that my garden was not water tolerant and started my own program to get there. I never asked the water department to help.
I so agree with what Al Jacobs has to say about everything. In regard to the banking picture [July 7 column], Dodd-Frank is a Frankenstein monster. My comment then is: Why don’t they reinstate the Glass-Stegal Act which was a banking foundation for over 60 years and simplified things?
Thank you Stephen Downing for this [online] article. I am glad we have a “journalist” in this city. Your job isn’t always rewarded especially when someone wants to shoot down your cause. I say keep it coming.
The LAPD [handling of its cadet scandal] is an outstanding example of a transparent, proactive police administration – and city – that does not exist in Long Beach. It is my sincere wish that the historic conceal, obfuscate and deny pattern of governance in our city can one day be reformed.
Sales taxes went up again in Long Beach and Los Angeles, {resulting in] the top 10 for highest tax rates for large cities in the U.S. Raising taxes seems to be the preferred method of addressing overspending by government all over the state.