The recent airplane crashes on the east coast were another reminder of my death-defying experiences in the late 1960s as a pilot, motorcyclist and swimmer.
The inauguration of Donald J. Trump on Monday was predictably filled with the kind of entertainment that he has been famous for in past decades, starting with The Apprentice TV show. The signing of executive orders that followed were a combination of sense and nonsense.
With Long Beach debuting on Prime Video in the eight-episode police series “On Call” on Jan. 9, here come the inevitable suggestions for further shaking things up, without the usual Richter scale reading.
Time for resolutions, except that I do not have any. In fact, a recent poll found that the majority of people don’t have them. This probably means that 47% of us are perfect in every way.
Sometimes, past plans phase into future fads and fashions. Such is the case of 2024 into 2025 when certain expectations might well be met, others falling short. In Long Beach, the carryover events begin on the rails, sky and roads, and we’re not talking about donuts.
Christmas will be especially great this year, knowing that our two-year-old granddaughter, Sky Violet, will be staying with us for two weeks, escorted by parents Janet and Gabe. They are in the final stages of adding a second level to their home on the east side of Oakland.
Grill ‘Em All is the coolest place to eat burgers in Long Beach. The view is epic, the food is great and the crowd is unique and fun. You really can’t ask for more.