How can you assess your investment portfolio’s performance in 2018? The year was full of wild swings in the financial markets, so your own results may well have bounced around quite a bit, too.
No one correctly guessed our Dec. 21 treasure location – an Aquarium of the Pacific poster at Long Beach Airport’s main terminal – and no prizes were awarded.
As the year winds down, you may want to look ahead to see which areas of your life you can improve in 2019. Perhaps you’ll decide to exercise more, eat healthier foods, reconnect with old friends or volunteer at a school or charitable organization.
The holiday season is here, which means gift-giving is probably on your mind. In addition to giving gifts to your family and friends, you also may be interested in contributing to charitable organizations.
As an investor, you will have access to accounts that are taxed differently from one another. And it’s possible you could benefit from tax diversification by owning accounts in these three categories: