Masoud Khoshbakhtian, Earl Miller and Dennis Snyder correctly guessed our May 25 treasure location – the mosaic/mural at the Promenade and 3rd Street – and were awarded prizes
Do you know about 529 savings plans? If not, you are not alone – although these plans have been around since 1996, many people are still unaware of them.
Anna Finley, Farbod Mehri and Susan Quint correctly guessed our May 11 treasure location – Corky’s Market at 15th Street and Junipero Avenue – and were awarded prizes
Two months ago 13-year-old Trenton McKinley of Mobile, Alabama was critically injured when a small utility trailer being pulled by a dune buggy flipped over, causing him to hit his head on the concrete.
Tax Season is finally over. Of course, how much you pay in taxes depends on a variety of factors, many of which you can’t control. But you might give some thought to how you can manage your investment-related taxes.
Hans Heimburger, Judi Lanning and Margot Taub correctly identified the location of our April 13 treasure – the National Guard Armory on Stearns at Redondo – and were awarded prizes.