My Best Shot

Doug McConnell, MD, is a retired surgeon and has enjoyed photographing Long Beach. “This photo is possible only on the night before the full moon each month. On that evening the moon rises in the east while the setting sun is still illuminating downtown Long Beach. I took this photo using a Nikon D-800 camera on a tripod allowing for proper exposure. All my Long Beach friends remark that this is the best photo of Long Beach they have seen,” he said. Send us your recent, best photo in JPG format of a Long Beach scene and we’ll publish it in an upcoming issue of the Beachcomber. Email to, write “My Best Shot” in the subject line and include your name, contact information (which is not published), along with some photo details like when, where, who (if persons present), what (event?), why you liked it and how (camera used). Also check out the Long Beach Photo Lovers group on Facebook for other, unique scenes of the city.


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