In early 2021, Tablas Creek posted a very useful overview of how the pandemic provided the luxury of evaluating and modifying their tasting room practices and protocols.
Readers may notice that I have pilfered the title of a fine novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Pandemics seem to bring out if not the best in my fellow humans, at least their ingenuity and resourcefulness.
Given the dismal quality of history education these days, and the even more dismal state of discourse on this subject beyond pop trivia, it is likely most people will commemorate the end of World War One by going to the mall for a “Veterans’ Day Sale” as if that was all 12 million dead in cheese
Over a career spanning a half century, MFK Fisher’s 27 books on food, drink, and conviviality in general earned her prime position among American authors.
If readers enter the search term "dead parrot" on Google, the first item retrieved is a video frame from Monty Python – as it should be. This remains one of those comic chestnuts like "Who's on First?" or the sounds rising from Jack Benny's cellar vault.