Long Beach is thriving with underground gems and experiences on every corner and most of what goes on here has a bit of the “if-you-know-you-know” element attached to it, which makes the area so special.
In part 1 of this series, I discussed problems Naples’ residents are facing today in repairing their canal walls. Let’s look back to the 1930s when the 1933 earthquake collapsed the already fragile canal walls.
The Port of Long Beach is accomplishing its environmental, operational and commercial goals and is setting its sights on even greater achievements in the years ahead, CEO Mario Cordero said during his eighth annual State of the Port address on Jan. 9.
In spite of his abnormal appearance, due to neurofibromatosis, Edward (Sebastian Stan) wants to be an actor. His budding career isn’t helped by his being shy, retiring and very insecure.
The Cherese Mari Laulhere BirthCare Center at Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital joined proud parents Elsa Ruiz and Miguel Romero in welcoming their new baby Ariel Leilani, the first delivered baby of 2025 at Miller Children’s & Women’s.
Since the early 1930s, the canal walls of Naples, built in 1905-1906, have been crumbling. Major repairs made in 1939 and 1967 are no longer adequate and today the problem has resurfaced.