“The Glass Menagerie” premiered in Chicago in 1944 and won the 1945 New York Drama Critics Circle Award as Best Play – catapulting playwright Tennessee Williams to international attention as a dramatist.
Frequently a highly creative person will experience difficulties in expressing ideas and thoughts to others. Their vocabulary will be unique and not understood by the average person. Ideas flying around in their heads usually need their own voice.
If alive today, Don Temple would have been 91 years old on Sunday, August 19. With his passing six years ago we can only surmise his pleasure of seeing the business he founded on July 7, 1968 observing its 50th anniversary.
Let’s say you are a creative person who likes to cook and wants to create an original, very special dish – something that’s fresh and new. Where and how do you begin?
A month or so ago Patrick Kennedy, the executive director of the Greater Long Beach Interfaith Community Organization (ICO), sent us an email asking if we could meet and discuss what we’ve been writing about in this column for the past six years; specifically the patterns and practices of the Lon
Our people are mad as hell and they’re not taking it anymore. They are protesting to their city council representatives and lodging dozens of complaints on Nextdoor.
Hey, readers. Have you heard? Apparently, voters have been beating down the doors of the mayor and councilmembers, begging them to change the City Charter … in a hurry.
The day following President Trump’s announcement of the nomination of Bret Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, countless articles appeared in newspapers and on the Internet condemning the president, the nominee and every aspect of the decision.