Black musicians in the 1920s and 30s were at the forefront of what’s now known as the Harlem Renaissance. It was an era noted for its burgeoning creativity, ethnic pride and growing cultural awareness.
At precisely 3:31 a.m., Friday, Sept. 15, 2017, Pacific Daylight Savings Time, a 3,420-pound mechanical device ceased to exist. At that moment it became swallowed up by the fiery interior of the gaseous planet Saturn, nearly a billion miles from Earth.
How far would a parent go for closure at the loss of a child? Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand) has lived with the question of who raped and murdered her daughter for seven months after the crime was committed.
It is a well-accepted fact among police administrators that the field training officer (FTO) is one of the most important positions in any police department. The FTO must be a positive role model who leads by example and exhibits integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior.
Born in the 1930s and early 1940s, we exist as a very special age cohort. We are the “last ones.” We are the last, climbing out of the depression, who can remember the winds of war and the war itself with fathers and uncles going off.
A recent article by syndicated columnist, and three time Pulitzer Prize nominee, Thomas D. Elias paints a grim picture of education at the 23-campus California State University system. The problem they face is only 19 percent of entering freshmen manage to graduate within four years.
The French have their own original style, from cuisine to comics – their’s is indeed the French way. Their style is usually creative, cultured and artistic. This film is no exception.
It is a well-accepted fact among police administrators that the field training officer (FTO) is one of the most important positions in any police department. The FTO must be a positive role model who leads by example and exhibits integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior.
On July 11 a little-noticed agenda item among 18 others on the city council’s consent calendar was passed without a single councilmember asking for discussion.
The council’s unanimous yes vote cost taxpayers $2.477 million.