I greet you as my wife and I have just returned from experiencing the Beaches of Normandy, which witnessed the largest and most complicated military landing in history. On that day, June 6, 1944, about 4400 Allied troops were confirmed to have been killed. (At our ceremony, which was led by Dwi
The May 7, 2017, article titled “School Funding Prompts Inequities,” by Aaron Garth Smith, education policy analyst at Reason Foundation, is well-documented.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin certainly sounded positive on Wednesday, April 26th, as he outlined the administration’s tax proposals. As massive tax reform constituted one of the major planks of President Trump’s campaign platform, big things seem to be in the works.
Opinion polls reveal all sorts of interesting statistics. Now that we have our new website up and running, we’ve been doing some online polling but have been remiss in not sharing the results.
Now that the dust has settled, I think it is important that we calmly revisit the issue of why an international terminal would not be "right" for Long Beach and its airport.
Being dependent upon government is a cruel hoax: good for politicians and bureaucrats but, over the long and often even short run, terrible for the recipients. As a stark example, consider our Native Americans. We can start with an observation by Henry Ford who, although certainly not my favori
Brad Zimmerman spent 29 years struggling to make a living as an actor while waiting tables in New York. Beginning in 1996 Zimmerman found modest success as an opening act for comics such as George Carlin and Joan Rivers (who endorsed Zimmerman as “the best comic in his price range”).
Tax Freedom Day generally falls around this time each year. This is the day when the nation as a whole has earned enough money to pay off its total tax bill for the year, according to the calculations made by the Tax Foundation.