AOP Propaganda
I read the interview by Art Levine with Jerry Schubel, Aquarium of the Pacific director. Allow me to sum up what was supposed to be a two-way conversation. Schubel never directly answered questions asked by Al Levine. All he did was pitch talking points.
$53 million was spent on the new Pacific Visions exhibit to spread a theory about the end of the world based on a computer model. He mentions levels of carbon in the air, then admits the same levels existed millions of years ago before man and fossil fuels. The city of Long Beach put $15 million into this exercise to spread propaganda and attempt to instill fear. If Schubel believes his claims, why would $53 million be spent on an exhibit that will be flooded by rising seas?
He claims Belmont Shore and Naples will be flooded by 2050. In another published article, he urged those residents to sell and move now. Which is it? None of this is based on any hard research, peer reviewed by other scientific sources including those who oppose these claims. It’s all conclusions based on a computer model (program) created by the same people who refuse to allow their research to be released for review. Ever hear that “the vast majority of scientists agree?” That’s a fable pushed to avoid criticism. There are thousands of scientists worldwide who disagree with these claims.
His conclusions leave out the elephant in the room. China and India are by far the biggest polluters on the planet. How come these multi-million-dollar efforts are not presented overseas where they are really needed? We are light years ahead of China and India ecologically in comparison. Without their cooperation, this effort is useless. Shouldn’t we be working on that if circumstances are so dire?
He stated that cattle drink too much water and fart too much. This is the problem. We need to give up our cars and instead ride trains and buses. We need to farm the ocean. And destroy that delicate environment? How will all that be implemented? Authoritarian force by the government based on an unproven theory predicted by a computer program?
He talks about wealth inequality. Huh? He says we need to depress people to make them think like him. This is what the film presentation at the new exhibit is about. Our children will be doomed if we don’t accept Schubel’s dire predictions he says. It’s always 10 years, 20 years, 30 years till the end of the world. Please. We are now 20 years since “Inconvenient Truth” Al Gore’s film about the same nonsense and we all see that not one time line marker or event has ever come true. Not one. I still remember the Ice Age coming in the late 1970s that was going to end life as we know it and declared as the absolute truth by scientists.
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