
Jay Beeler

It was a contrast of two city departments.

Last week we observed people wearing orange vests taking street measurements in Park Estates and spray-painting lines and numbers on the asphalt and curbs. Soon thereafter a Long Beach Utilities worker rang our doorbell and explained that the city is replacing some of the old gas lines in our area. The activity would involve some excavation on our property, possible replacement of the gas meter and temporary disruption of parking and traffic.

The worker answered all my questions and left a single sheet of paper detailing the activity being performed over the next six months. It was very professional and straightforward.

I compared this to the Public Works Department activity that is also taking place throughout the city wherein the notices were mailed in January to residents within 300 feet of ADA ramp installations at T-intersections. Nobody came to our door. There was no opportunity to learn more and voice concerns at local meetings. The phone number provided with the mailed literature went into voice mails that were not returned – all four of them.

It was only after I reported the poor communications in my April 5 Beachcombing column that I heard from the ADA coordinator and two other city staff members. An online meeting was set up to answer the questions I had originally posed. That was a positive experience that could have been avoided if the Public Works representative had answered my four calls in the first place.

Subsequent person-to-person communications with two different residents suggested that the Public Works representatives left them with an “our way or the highway” attitude since the activity would be on city property and no appeal process existed. Kudos to 4th District Councilmember Daryl Supernaw for smoothing over those residents’ ruffled feathers.

My recent, single call to Long Beach Utilities resulted in a prompt callback from Giovanni Duenas, the principal inspector for the project, who explained a few more details about the gas line replacements. He even provided a cell phone to call if I had more questions.

Kudos to Giovanni as well.


The following was credited to Caitriona Loughrey. Don’t wait to read it later!

Barely the day started and it’s already six in the evening.

Barely arrived on Monday and it’s already Friday….
and the month is already over.
and the year is almost over.
and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.
and we realize that we lost our parents and friends.
and we realize it’s too late to go back.

So, let’s try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time.

Let’s keep looking for activities that we like.

Let’s put some color in our grey.

Let’s smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.

And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let’s try to eliminate the afters….
I’m doing it after.
I’ll say after.
I’ll think about it after.
We leave everything for later like ′′after′′ is ours.

Because what we don’t understand is that….
Afterwards, the coffee gets cold.
Afterwards, priorities change.
Afterwards, the charm is broken.
Afterwards, health passes.
Afterwards, the kids grow up.
Afterwards parents get old.
Afterwards, promises are forgotten.
Afterwards, the day becomes the night.
Afterwards life ends.

And then it’s often too late.

So, let’s leave nothing for later. Because still waiting, see you later….
We can lose the best moments.
The best experiences.
The best friends.
The best family.

The day is today. The moment is now.



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