
Jay Beeler

Fernando posted the following on Facebook and we thought it worthy of sharing:

“If you’re skinny, you’re on drugs. If you’re fat, you need to lose weight. If you smoke weed you’re a druggie. If you drink, you’re an alcoholic. If you get dressed up, you’re conceited. If you dressed down, you’ve let yourself go. If you speak your mind, you’re rude. If you don’t say anything, you’re snobbish. If you are sociable, you’re a party animal. If you stay to yourself, you’re detached. If you are young, you are useless, if you’re old you’re dispensable.

“You can’t do anything without being criticized. We live in a society where people can’t survive if they’re not judging the next person. Love me or hate me, but you will never change me. Believe that, get to know people before judging. Let’s build each other up. We are all doing the best we can, in the same game called life.”

Then Ralph Paul Jacobs offered the following “Facts about California:

  • California has the highest tax rates on its citizens, from all sources, compared to all other states in the nation.
  • California has more illegal immigrants living in the state than all other states combined.
  • California has the highest rates of poverty among families living in the state than all other states combined.
  • California has more homeless citizens, and non-citizens, living on its streets than all other states combined.
  • California has the highest rate of the exodus of small and medium-sized companies to other states.
  • California has the most obstructive regulations regarding the start of businesses small or large, compared to all other states.
  • California is ruled by a leftwing Democratic Party elite that has no clue how to run a small business, let alone govern the country’s largest state.

With those thoughts in mind I watched last week’s Democratic presidential primary debates wherein the candidates called for socialized healthcare, dramatically higher taxes and vastly expanded government intervention in the economy.

On Wednesday night Beto O’Rourke, Julian Castro and Cory Booker started talking to the audience in Spanish. That knocked out three of the 20 from any consideration by me, since they don’t seem to know what country they live in.

On Thursday night all ten candidates said that illegal aliens should be entitled to healthcare coverage at my expense and several called for the abolishment of private insurance. That knocked all ten of them from any consideration.

Andrew Yang wanted to give every American $1,000; not out of my pocket he doesn’t. Beto O’Rourke kept beating the impeachment drum; we’ve had enough of this witch hunt.

The only two candidates that resonated with me were Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and John Dulaney of Maryland. It will be interesting to watch future debates to see who can avoid giving away our money to get themselves elected.

We’ll start polling for reader favorites in future months.

Our current website poll asks the question “Do you like the new Broadway “road diet” configuration? Not surprisingly 81 percent are saying “no.”

Add your voice to the mix at Click on the poll question at the bottom of page one.

There’s another ballot on page four of this issue for our 18th annual Best of Long Beach Contest. Another will appear in the July 19 issue with July 31 being the deadline to participate. We will announce the winners in our September 13 issue, along with the names of prize winners drawn to receive the $8,000 in gift cards and certificates. Remember that you must vote in at least 15 categories for your votes to be counted.


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