Broadway Road Diet

Craig Beck, director of Public Works, told the state that Broadway was a residential street. That is an outright lie. He claimed 90 percent of the corridor was residential. He had to do that in order to remove one lane of traffic [and] wasn’t allowed to do so on a business corridor. So, I pulled a public records request and we have 137 business facades not counting the businesses in houses, like mine. Business licenses from Alamitos to Redondo Ave = 359 just addresses on Broadway.
Robert Fox
That is why we need to watch them carefully and someone like [Robert Fox] who represents the residents.
Kristina Romina
This morning, in front of Rite Aid, a driver door was hit and taken off. This was a horrible decision for Broadway.
Andrew Schoonover
I hate driving on Broadway now. Visibility is so poor with this new configuration. I don’t understand how anyone could think this was a good idea.
Douglas Dick
Driving my F350 work truck on Broadway is now a nightmare. I have to almost come to a complete stop when another truck is coming in other direction. Just not enough room. Bad design!
Matt Klein
This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen in this city in 19 years. Try Friday, trash day, on Broadway. It’s not about speed; nobody can drive faster than 20. You need to look 360 all the way!
Apple Winolset



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