Chuck’s Is a Timeless Classic

Jonathan Pekar, Food Dude
CHUCK’S SERVERS Gladis Zanches (left) and Alexis Linares.

The coastline of Long Beach is a wonder to behold, a true joy, we are fortunate to have such a visual luxury so close. The Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier is a great spot to walk over the ocean to see the dynamically colorful water and all the various fish caught by the locals. Lots of activity around Belmont Shores and lots of unique shops and charming restaurants.

One of my favorites is Chuck’s Coffee Shop on 4120 E. Ocean Blvd. open seven days a week from 6:30  a.m. to 2:30 p.m. What a great place to start your day. The food is fantastic and the service is as perfect as their view of the beach. The entire staff works as an efficient team who caters to you with a smile creating an eating experience that is comfortable and wonderfully filling.

Their breakfast specialty is called The Weasel. It is a magnificent scrambled egg plate covered in rich, hearty chili with onions and cheese that was created to cure hangovers (they know their audience). The Weasel comes with potatoes and toast for only $9.95. Chuck’s Special Hash is ¼ pound of beef with mushrooms and onions with 3 scrambled eggs topped with chili for $11.50. This is an intense meal. Chuck knows how to make hash.

Chuck’s Coffee Shop has its own little corner area off Ocean Boulevard and there is plenty of parking. Sometimes there is a waiting list but the view makes even the wait entertaining. Chuck’s also has great coffee. An art overlooked by many restaurants nowadays. But not at Chuck’s, coffee the way you like it, flavorful, hot and a bottomless cup to get your day going in the right direction. One should never underestimate the power of a good coffee buzz.

Us Americans, we dig the coffee. If you add up all the millions of cups of coffee consumed by Americans each day, you’ll get a yearly average of 146 billion cups of coffee for the country! The National Coffee Association did a study and found that 64% of Americans drink coffee.

And while we lag behind our Euro friends in coffee consumption (the U.S. ranks 25th in coffee consumption at 4.2 kg of coffee consumed per person per year, Finland ranks 1st at 12kg per person per year according to World Atlas), the U.S. coffee consumption has increased by an entire kilogram in the last five years and there is no sign of this trend stopping.

That’s good news for Chuck! And deservedly so. Chuck’s Coffee Shop is consistently great; I highly recommend everything off their menu. Do yourself and the family a favor, go eat at Chuck’s Coffee Shop, this place will bring a smile to your face that will keep you coming back for more. Bring on the good times and spend as much of it as you can at the beach.

Go eat for yourself.



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