K-9 Death

Again the LBPD corrupt organization is covering up officer misconduct with the help of the city manager, city attorney office and jumping in the mix to help cover this up is our very own elected officials, the LB City Council, which has remained silent on this murder. Shame on all of you. We need to recall all these corrupt politicians and fire all these corrupt cops and those who aid in the cover-up.

Online Comment


Thank you for exposing this. K-9s are killed in hot police cars at an alarming rate. Other news outlets have covered this. And the outcomes are eerily similar: “failed electronics” and “no criminal charges filed.” Enough already.

Heather (online)


This is sickening, where did Ozzy come from? The foundation or breeder needs to be contacted. Another K-9 death ignored.

Cynthia Black


LBPD announced, “They believe this was an accident and they are taking all the necessary steps to avoid this happening in the future.”

This is exactly the same thing LAPD said the previous time they left their K-9 in a hot car to die. How many of their K-9s will continue to be killed due to their officer’s negligence that is a crime if committed by anybody but a cop?

Mike Ruehle



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