Letters to the Editor

Beaches Without Dogs

I have clinically diagnosed, very severe cynophobia. After a lot of therapy I’ve gotten to the point where I can pass by dogs that are leashed up, but off leash dogs are incredibly triggering for me.

One of the reasons I moved to Long Beach was to be closer to the ocean while also still being in an urban area. Given my condition, I obviously avoid Rosie’s and I thought that dogs weren’t allowed in other parts of the beach. But every time I walk along a beach, I come across multiple off-leash dogs and their owners tend to be entitled jerks about it. I was under the impression that off-leash dogs are only allowed in Rosie’s.

Are there any beaches in Long Beach that are dog free? Am I wrong that it’s illegal to have your dog off leash outside of the designated area? I struggle to go for walks because there’s so many triggers even when I try to go to places where there shouldn’t be, which is terrible for my mental health since otherwise I end up cooped up inside.

Alex Schneider



When I served at the Pentagon during 911, the president possessed the authority to invoke an order to shoot down any unidentified aircraft. Allowing these unidentified drones to fly freely above our country places the American people at great risk.

According to an article published by the Department of Defense, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) delivery systems often receive less attention than do the weapons themselves.

Technology in this area has evolved to the point that effective WMD delivery systems are not limited to just ballistic missiles and aircraft. Much smaller, more accurate and less expensive unmanned systems are being developed every day.

One of the most potentially important new categories of delivery systems is unmanned air vehicles such as drones. Whether or not these drones being flown over our country are now carrying WMD, they may be identifying targets of interest and acting as decoys for the carnage that may come next. Drones that follow may carry weapons of mass destruction.

I urge the president to delay no more and invoke the power given to him.

If the Pentagon or FAA cannot identify their origin and or whoever does own up to flying them and for what reason, then the president should invoke an order to shoot them down!

Matt Drozd, Lt. Colonel (ret)



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