
I needed to use a restroom at 2nd Street and Bayshore. There happens to be a restroom there. It was 6:30 or 7 p.m. [and] it was locked. There isn’t another public restroom on all of Second Street that I am aware of. I now see why the public pisses and craps all over our streets – homeless or otherwise. The beach closes at 10 p.m. but restrooms close very early. Does that mean we are now the same as San Francisco – crap, piss everywhere you can?

Paul Rees

Businesses usually have a restroom for their patrons and do not discourage people from using their facilities unless they suspect they are vagrants. Did you try a business or café? I’m asking because on my last trip to Hollywood to attend the theater, after the show we hit Starbucks for a coffee and their restroom facilities were closed to everyone – “employees only” and there was a security guard. We went down the street to a fast food place and it was the same there.

Just checked the Long Beach public restroom hours, they are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The area you mention is part of the 3rd District, that’s Suzie’s, might want to give her a call and express your displeasure: (562) 570-6300.

Mike Farrell



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