It’s important to have cash available for your everyday spending and the inevitable rainy day. However, you also need to develop a cash strategy that can contribute to your long-term financial success. But just how much cash do you need? And in what form?
Recently, we’ve seen an increased interest in mindfulness, although the concept itself is thousands of years old. Essentially, being mindful means you are living very much in the present, highly conscious of your thoughts and feelings.
As a business owner, you’re always thinking of what you need to do now. But you can’t forget about the future – yours and that of your business. So it may be a good idea to consider your personal retirement plan and business succession strategy.
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s meaningful to reflect on the origin of the holiday –Native Americans and pilgrims sharing their bounty of food with each other.
If your employer offers a 401(k) or similar plan, you’ve got a powerful retirement-savings tool at your disposal. And yet, how well you do with your 401(k) depends greatly on your choices and actions. What steps can you take to maximize the benefits of your plan?
As you’re well aware, we’ve seen some sudden and sizable drops in the financial markets in 2019. While market volatility is nothing new, the recent plunges happened during a period of general political and economic unease.
It’s probably safe to say that many of us are concerned about having enough money to cover our retirement years. In fact, some surveys have shown that we are more frightened of running out of money than we are of dying. What can you do to help alleviate these fears?
Regardless of what stage of life you’re in, you must make financial and investment decisions that will be with you for the remainder of your years. But the moves you make when you’re just starting out in your career may be quite different from when you’re retired.
Most of us would probably agree that men and women frequently behave differently and these differences often show up in professional, family and social situations. Of course, this certainly doesn’t mean either gender has an advantage in these areas.