You can call me “D” and I am a white Long Beach Police Officer assigned to South Division. I first want to say that my heart goes out to the family of George Floyd and his family, friends and community.
There is a new contagion sweeping across America, more deadly than the COVID-19 virus released by our collapsing environment and even more dangerous than the world-wide economic collapse triggered by the pandemic.
On June 9, the Long Beach City Council will vote to direct the city manager to “take a fresh look” at the performance of the Citizen Police Complaint Commission’s (CPCC) work over the past five years to “identify options for increasing accountability and transparency in the relationship between o
Ten years ago, California’s annual state budget was $90 billion. In only 10 years it has grown to $222.2 billion, with an expected shortfall of $54 billion. This projected tax receipts shortfall was before the COVID shutdown. The aftermath may double the estimated shortfall to $100 billion.