How about we just give the land all back to the Indians, board the ships Christopher Columbus sailed over here in the first place and forget this notion of liberty and justice for all and return tyranny escaped from in the first place across the Atlantic Ocean?
Long Beach is a great city. It has wonderful people, strong neighborhoods, a terrific location and a unique spirit that makes us all proud to live, work and play here.
Thomas Sowell said, “Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.
Our streets were not designed to be storage facilities for over-sized vehicles, boats, trailers, etc. They are extremely dangerous in that they impede and block the view of other vehicle drivers, emergency responders, pedestrians, bicycles, etc.
Representatives of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Long Beach / South Bay Chapter met recently with Mayor Robert Garcia and Long Beach Development Services to discuss the proposed planning and design for the new development surrounding the historic Queen Mary. The AIA representatives