On March 26 I was leaving Home Depot when I encountered a small group of police officers apprehending two men. As I stood next to my car rubbing sanitizer and getting ready to pull out my keys, I noticed one of the police officers scratching his face while wearing gloves.
It appears to be another “blue ribbon” task force [Inside LB, 4/24 issue] or a “red team” concept but does it have the expertise to move us back to the new reality safely? It doesn’t appear to have all credentials necessary to orchestrate these important safety moves for Long Beach.
I’m writing about an ongoing conflict on the California State University-Long Beach campus, where Native American tribal groups have been trying to stop the university from desecrating the most significant remaining parcel of sacred tribal land in Southern California.
Every time I get the Grunion Gazette, I look for your [missing] articles. They are a pleasure to read and I am glad you stand up for the issues that affect those of us who live in Long Beach.
I just finished reading the Restart Long Beach Economic Recovery Advisory Group Report. The beginning of the report has some excellent suggestions, these include:
Testing must continue to ramp-up to a level where everyone in Long Beach can be tested, tracked and isolated if necessary.
Thanks to Tara Thompson for taking the time and effort to document her personal experience with COVID-19 for the benefit of those of us who have not been sickened with this virus and don’t personally know anyone who has.
One issue this pandemic has brought to the surface is how we view our older adults in the community. The state has labeled us as disposable and not worthy of medical care. It is time to reframe how we look at aging.
The April 24 edition of the Beachcomber reported that, Ben Goldberg, Parks and Recreation Commissioner for the City of Long Beach, has chosen social media to express his opinion that city golf courses, parks and beaches, as well as local businesses, should reopen on May 4, whether or not
We see the headlines and pictures: doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, EMTs – gowned and masked – fighting the battle against an unseen coronavirus that has sickened and killed thousands of people around the world. We all appreciate their dedication.