I commuted by bike to Pine and Ocean for seven years. Alone. The vast majority of days I never saw another soul. No amount of lanes or car punishment is going to change that. Commuting by bike is like soccer in America. Nobody gives a damn.
If you live in Long Beach, you are being asked to extend the 10.25% sales tax forever. The first Measure A sales tax, passed by the voters in 2016, promised to increase public safety, fix streets and sidewalks, improve and maintain parks and libraries.
My husband had just finished buying dog food at Centinela Pet store near the traffic circle yesterday and was in his car getting ready to leave. He noticed a man walking on the walkway in front of the stores with a little boy (about 6 or 7) and a little girl.
One of the issues that Ms. Lorentzen deals with [Letters, Jan. 17] is the question: What level of formal education and/or direct experience with the issue-at-hand do we require before giving credence to a scientist or any other supposed expert?
Pursuant to California Civil Code 48a, I am writing on behalf of Congressman Alan Lowenthal to demand a retraction of comments published by you in a recent post to the Beachcomber website.
Governor Newsom’s second proposed budget is fiscally prudent, allowing California to live within its means while prioritizing the needs of our children from preschool to higher education.
I guess people can stop wondering and now fully realize that Nancy Pelosi is what is important to Nancy Pelosi and not the country she is supposed to be representing. It’s always been all about Nancy.
It must be nearing springtime as the city leaders are planting the fresh crop of lies and threats to coerce our votes to take what money from us they haven’t already taken in the past recent elections.