Are most commercial coffee creamers healthy? Short answer: definitely no! In reality, most coffee creamers are heavily processed, high in fat and sugar, and even with “just a splash” could contribute to an unhealthy diet. Sorry.
According to the California Almond Commission, California grows 80% of the world’s almonds and 100% of the U.S. almond crop. There are almond politics, but today we will focus on almond nutrition.
It appears that, as the weather gets warmer, many of us think about using the oven less while still eating healthy. Having received questions about baking in the microwave and about cooking more plant-based, we took on the challenge to write a column combining the two!
One of our older relatives recalls, that, during the 1940s, their families were one of the few with a car and enough gas coupons to really go anywhere. Summer Saturday afternoons were spent traversing the Southern California country-side’s highways and byways.
High-fat sauces and ingredients are oh-so-tempting, especially during cold weather. When the weather gets warmer, refreshing, colorful sauces and ingredients can be a better fit.
Received this question from a reader: “ I’m still not clear on soy – is it a bean or what? How can I include some soy-based foods on my menu? How can I ‘sell’ it to my omnivore friends so I don’t have to prepare two menus for one meal?”