I needed to use a restroom at 2nd Street and Bayshore. There happens to be a restroom there. It was 6:30 or 7 p.m. [and] it was locked. There isn’t another public restroom on all of Second Street that I am aware of.
I’m seriously wondering how life keeps on going in California when you have a government that decides that the best thing to do for addicts is to give them free needles so they won’t get diseases that can kill them.
To those who want more long-term housing we need to incentivize good investors to invest locally in the city.
There’s a lot of blight north of Anaheim blocks from downtown LB and gangs in north Long Beach. These run down neighborhoods are difficult for investors to fix up.
It appears that Long Beach City Council voted to pass a rent control measure under the guise of 10 percent rental caps (rent control) and $4,500 tenant relocation payouts and other Red Tape added to their outdated housing industry.
It’s amazing that when people/press talk about collusion, conflict of interest or conspiracies they never discuss the biggest offenders – all politicians.
I was a juror on the Thomas Gonzales vs City of Long Beach civil suit. Mr. Gonzales was hired by the City of Long Beach to be an investigator in the Citizens Police Complaint Commission.
The argument, in my opinion, is in the last paragraph of this [March 29] article. I commend Mr. Jacobs for beginning with the core of the topic definition of Socialism.
Gwen and I met as co-workers at the Press-Telegram circa 1980 and remained close friends for several years. We lost touch when I moved out of state in 1989. I contacted her on Facebook a few years ago and she responded. But we never got together, I regret that.
My most sincere condolences are with the Beachcomber team for the sudden and untimely loss of Sean Belk. Our city has lost a tremendous reporter who covered very important news for over a decade in an ever-changing Long Beach.
Climate change is real. [Lowenthal 1-18-19 issue] Our planet’s climate has always changed and it always will whether humans inhabit our planet or not. So called climate warriors like Alan Lowenthal have to realize that the Ice Age was not just an animated movie.