While serving as President of the Belmont Shore Residents Association (BSRA), I submitted three different complaints of police misconduct to the CPCC on behalf of residents who came to me seeking help after having experienced misconduct by Long Beach Police.
I sat on this [Gonzales, pg. 1] jury 12 days listening intently to the attorneys argue this case. I am angry that the city attorney wants to ask the council for more money to fight our decision! We were not slackers.
Judging from how the profit share of Nike jumped in the aftermath of the Kaepernick commercials, it appears that solid support exists in the general population for his stance.
Alan Lowenthal is running for reelection in the 47th Congressional District. If elected this would be his 3rd term. He has held political offices for the last 26 years. His son Josh Lowenthal is now running for the State Assembly.
Why am I not surprised by Garcia’s agenda? [Downing column, August 31] He is self serving and is grooming himself for bigger things, like Alan Lowenthal. Bob Garcia is a political animal.