If you cannot qualify for a library card, you should not be able to use the library. This is a services provided to the taxpayers and if you are not a taxpayer, then maybe you should become one.
A grease blockage in a sewage line in Glendale caused the spill of 10,400 gallons of sewage into the L.A. River, but the effect was felt downstream in Long Beach.
This is the most despicable use of police brutality and proof that there is a huge problem in the LBPD. This is unacceptable in any community in the USA. This reminds me of the LA Rampart debacle.
On Los Coyotes Diagonal Monday morning at rush hour it took more than one light to get through intersections when I saw a person on a phone in the No. 1 lane of three lanes. I yelled at her closed windows to her to get off her phone. Of course she didn’t.
The Beachcomber is on the verge of becoming something like the Oliver Stone Conspiracy Gazette. I respect some of their recent investigative reporting and appreciate their work.
"We give a carrot to every donkey – never mind that it's on a string." This seems to be the philosophy of our current City of Long Beach administration.
Last week, I was in the new Michelle Obama library. I asked for the day pass, so I could use the computer. I was told by the lady in charge that "They are eliminating guest passes," so I needed to apply for a library card.
While serving as President of the Belmont Shore Residents Association (BSRA), I submitted three different complaints of police misconduct to the CPCC on behalf of residents who came to me seeking help after having experienced misconduct by Long Beach Police.