Sad commentary on local law enforcement [Downing: April 27 issue]. I was with LBPD for a short time in 76-77 before I moved up to the big leagues. I saw a lot of things take place that were contrary to what I believed was professional law enforcement.
I am sure the taxpayers and citizens of Long Beach have all received the city’s piece of propaganda, “Measure A is Putting Your Long Beach Funds to Work.” By lying, the city was successful in passing Measure A, so they are now on a new quest to raid the Water Department for more funds through a C
I not only know the location of the photo in your April 13 edition, I know its history. It is a large rock at the National Guard armory at Redondo and Stearns in Long Beach. More specifically, that side of the street is 3500 Stearns. The yellow painting is the Ordnance logo for the U.S. Army.
Why can’t the liberal media figure out that Trump will never will give his moves to our enemies of this country as Obama did for eight long years. Telling enemies when you’re leaving, how many troops are staying or just plain being an idiot in combat situation is asinine.
Smart phones are making people dumb. You’ve seen them, walking down the street staring at their phones and not aware of their surroundings. Most of these smart phone zombies don’t have a clue about what California and city governments are doing.
In the Beachcomber letters section [March 30, 2018], Robert Van der Upwich claimed that his rebuttal of a pro-gun control letter was based on research in which he cited John Lott and his pro-gun group the Crime Prevention Research Center.