It was clear from the beginning that passing Measure M would either raise utility rates, increase taxes or both. The misuse of fire and police personnel to promote this ill-conceived and deeply flawed measure did a real disservice to taxpayers.
The recent two-part story by Stephen Downing about Dana Jones’ death was interesting and a good read. Thanks for providing this story for your readers. If there is incompetence in the LBPD homicide bureau, heaven help us. Who can we rely on?
Reading Quotable Quotes in Readers Digest Kate Hudson’s quoted. “Make a bucket list, do everything on that bucket list; make another bucket list.” Does the average person need this kind of advice and do Hollywood elites live on our planet. No, is the answer to both questions.
Great article! Councilwoman Price hit the nail on the head and kudos to Suzie for her response to Robson’s immature and inappropriate text message... “How is sleeping with your chief of staff and illegal activities at City Hall a union busting and #MeToo issue”?
Thank you for writing the article on this subject. I have always been a supporter of the police and yet have not been impressed with the investigation process or their integrity.
Sad commentary on local law enforcement [Downing: April 27 issue]. I was with LBPD for a short time in 76-77 before I moved up to the big leagues. I saw a lot of things take place that were contrary to what I believed was professional law enforcement.